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A movie about the Jews faking the holocaust and then taking over the world with the help of an alien race that now makes 30% of the population? Great idea, that sure is going to be the movie of the century ... how is it possible that such a creative mind has to be debunking fiction to put bread on the table? That makes me sad, such a talent.

The only problem with your idea is that there's plenty of evidence on the holocaust so people won't buy your story as easy as they did with Brown's. The Catholic Church in the other hand is seen by many as a sexist organization, full of secrets and as an institution that was capable of going to great lenghts to get and mantain power over the masses. Brown exploited this opportunity and maybe that's why he's sold more than 30 million copies of his book.

Carl Olson

"....Brown exploited this opportunity..."

Excellent choice of words. Exploited. Exactly.


"The Catholic Church in (sic) the other hand is seen by many as a sexist organization, full of secrets and as an institution that was capable of going to great lengths to get and mantain (sic) power over the masses".

Which is precisely why we need such books such as "The Da Vinci Hoax" to tell the truth about the Catholic Church.


MLC books as The Da Vinci Hoax won't change the image the Catholic Church has projected over the years.


"MLC books as The Da Vinci Hoax the image The Catholic Church has projected over the years".

You mean the false image projected by the media.

Cristina A. Montes

"The Catholic Church in (sic) the other hand is seen by many as a sexist organization, full of secrets and as an institution that was capable of going to great lengths to get and mantain (sic) power over the masses".

"Books as The Da Vinci Hoax won't change the image the Catholic Church has projected over the years."

Those who visit this blog regularly would notice that my comments tend to laud efforts like "The Da Vinci Hoax" that correct lies about the Church. WHat motive would I have to be on the side of the CHurch if it's a sexist organization? Does "Cristina" sound like a man's name? Or could it be that women are generally stupid?

Kathryn Grover

I can't agree with everything Tom Hanks says, but I do appreciate the fact that he's taking the whole thing with a grain of salt and telling his fans to do the same. This is a far cry from a certain "fact" page.

People always miss the blatantly obvious. I tell ya, as an art major, I sat through more than my share of art history classes. I watched slide after slide of the Virgin Mary until my eyeballs were ready to fall out. If you ask me, there were far more Virgins than Crucifixes. I don't see how anyone could accuse the Catholics of not honoring women when such an obvious debunk is sitting on pedestals in front of nearly every cathedral. Not to mention that her image on a slice of toast goes for a hefty price on eBay...

But maybe I'm just a stupid Methodist and am not in a position to know about the complex conspiracies and cover-ups? :P

Keep it up, Carl.


Kathryn: therein lies the irony. We Catholics can't win! On the one hand we have some folks accusing us of honouring, if not worshipping, Mary more than Jesus; on the other we have Mr Brown accusing the Catholic Church of erradicating the sacred feminine! I despair, I really do.

Kathryn Grover

I'm really starting to feel for you guys... Getting picked on for not doing the one thing you were accused of doing for centuries.

El Perro Patron

Waa waa waa! You and your religion are such victims. Do you need a tissue? When are you going to get over this Professional Victim role of yours and get a real job, Carl?

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