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Carl, I was reading an article of yours yesterday on how many people defend TDVC on the grounds that it's "just fiction". This sad story is further evidence that you and Sandra are not wasting your time trying to counter this book. You are both doing a valuable service to God and His Church. Thank you for this.


I was reading this story earlier via a news feed and thought exactly this; "Such news, of course, should be handled with extreme care and should not be recklessly used to "prove" how horrible TDVC is..."

We, who hope to defend truth, must exercise wisdom and caution in the anecdotal evidence we collect and believe.


I personally knew Abbott Alan from when I was a novice in a nearby monastery of Benedictine nuns and he used to come over to say mass and hear confessions. I knew he had died, but have only just learned of the circumstances and I'm obviously quite distressed. He was a gentle and holy man and a fine musician. I wonder if it is Providential that this case should become public at the same time as TDVC trial.

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