The Church and the “New Normal” | George Weigel | CWR
The marriage battle was lost in the culture long before it was lost in the courts
In the wake of the Supreme Court’s marriage decision, these sober thoughts occur:
(1) The Supreme Court of the United States [SCOTUS] has rendered a decision that puts the Court at odds with the Constitution, with reason, and with biblical religion.
(2) SCOTUS has gotten it wrong before. It got it wrong on race in Dred Scott and it repeated the mistake in Plessy vs. Ferguson (which upheld segregated public facilities). It got it wrong by concocting a constitutional “right” to abortion-on-demand in Roe vs. Wade and doubled-down on that mistake by getting it wrong on abortion again in Casey vs. Planned Parenthood. Now SCOTUS has gotten it wrong on marriage. There are remedies to SCOTUS getting it wrong; one of them is a careful re-examination, during the 2016 campaign, of the theory of “judicial supremacy,” which holds that the Constitution means whatever a majority of the Court says it means.
(3) The marriage battle was lost in the culture long before it was lost in the courts.
I followed the links and read this:
One one side we have 'dignity' and 'civil benefits.'
On the other, the burden of upholding difficult Church teaching.
Any doubt how the Bishop really feels here? Marriage is for kids. Otherwise, live and let live.
So much for Saint Paul. No wonder the other side sounds like it has the moral high ground. It actually passionately believes in its own cause, instead of being stymied by it.
Posted by: Joe M | Friday, June 26, 2015 at 10:37 PM