Cardinal Burke: Christ’s truth is at the heart of marriage | Vatican Radio | Catholic World Report
“It is only in the family that the true sense of who we are as man and woman is taught effectively both by the example of the father and mother.”
“Remaining in the truth of Christ” is at the heart of the Extraordinary Synod on the Family, said Cardinal Raymond Burke, prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura. With the synod beginning this week, Cardinal Burke sat down with Vatican Radio to talk about his perspectives on the synod, on issues ranging from outreach to those marginalized in difficult marriage situations, as well as the necessity to proclaim the beautiful truth of marriage instituted by God the Father at creation, taught by Christ, and upheld by the Church.
Cardinal Burke was also one of several contributors to a book entitled Remaining in the Truth of Christ, intended to help the synod and the Pope as they work to renew the Church’s commitment to the pastoral care of families.
Vatican Radio: Your Eminence, you recently authored a chapter in a book about the indissolubility of marriage, entitled Remaining in the Truth of Christ. What motivated the book and what is its underlying premise?
Cardinal Raymond Burke: At the extraordinary consistory of cardinals, which was held on February 20 and 21 of this year, Cardinal Walter Kasper gave a lengthy discourse on marriage and the family in which he invited a dialogue about what he had stated in his discourse. A group of us decided to ponder more deeply a number of questions which he raised in his presentation and to respond to them in a systematic way. And thank God, with the help of the general editor, Father Robert Dodaro of the Augustinianum, we were able to put this together as a service to the synod and above all to the Holy Father in his desire to present once again the beauty of the Church’s teaching on marriage and the family.
Vatican Radio: Going into the Extraordinary Synod on the Family, what would you identify as three of the biggest challenges to the Catholic family today?