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Sunday, November 24, 2013


Elizabeth D

uh wow what's this about our beloved Fr Fessio being "banished" from San Francisco to a Catholic hospital somewhere?

Was he being too effective at evangelizing and they had to stop him somehow? What will the Holy Father do to save and reform his Order? An elderly friend of mine has a charitable gift annuity with the WI province Jesuits and so they send her all their literature. It is so sad. There was a little box in one magazine about what makes a Jesuit college Jesuit--it had to do with being involved in the community and social action. All the things about their men in formation talk about their social justice interests but almost nothing really specifically Catholic Christian. I was hoping there might be some good young Jesuits coming up that would help with the New Evangelization... seemingly not. I have never met Fr Fessio but I feel like I do and love him. I have friends who knew him at Ave Maria University and loved him and feel that loss too. God bless him for his commitment to faithfully Catholic higher education.

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