Make a Joyful Noise Unto the Lord, All Ye Sisters | Christopher S. Morrissey | Catholic World Report
A chart-topping album from the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist serves up beauty so we may open our hearts to God.
These are the sisters who surprised even Oprah. Exuberant and radiant, the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist have been shining their light in the most surprising cultural venues. Oprah herself was amazed to learn about how young women have been attracted to this vibrant community, bursting with vocations, where the average age is under 30. Now as always, vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience bear fruitful witness. A life fully devoted to prayer and apostolic service is ever beautiful.
Capitalizing on that earlier media attention from daytime television, the sisters have just now released Mater Eucharistiae, a highly successful album of sacred music that has quickly ascended the classical charts since its release in August. Its calm and contemplative beauty brings the listener into the aural space where the sisters themselves pray daily. By sharing some of their favorite sacred music with the world, they make striking use of modern media to issue a special invitation. They want everyone to open their hearts to the peace and joy that they have discovered. This music is the way of beauty by which they make their appeal.
The sisters are a community of consecrated women canonically established in 1997 by Cardinal John O’Connor of New York. The Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist follow the monastic observance given to them by their tradition. This Dominican tradition encompasses both common life and cloister. Thus they experience times of silence on a daily basis, as well as sing the Divine Office and attend daily Mass. In addition, the sisters have an active charism that blooms forth in their love for education and the formation of the young. They teach in and administer small, private Catholic schools, such as the Spiritus Sanctus Academies in Michigan.
Clearly, these Dominican sisters have used prayerful discernment and deployed their gifts wisely and judiciously with their album release. This simple and humble offering of a selection of music—a musical window into their life of joy—has obviously moved many people. I hope you will buy copies not only for yourself, but also as quiet and unassuming gifts to give to anyone. You never know what response a surprise gift may evoke. The sisters’ music could stir up a surprising response in someone’s heart.
What will someone hear when they play this album?
So many wonderful women in this community!
Many blessings to them.
Posted by: Bob | Tuesday, September 24, 2013 at 09:58 AM