Kenneth D. Whitehead | Homiletic & Pastoral Review
Christians, including Catholics, are acquiescing, and even favoring, the idea that homosexual behavior must be considered, at least, morally neutral…and must be considered something to which those, so inclined, have a right.
One of the most surprising, and dismaying, developments of recent years has been the degree to which Americans have come to accept the agenda of the radical homosexual “rights” movement—the “gays,” as they style themselves. They have also largely succeeded in getting Americans to accept their alteration of the meaning of what was once a perfectly good word, simply meaning “cheerful” or “happy,” but now meaning what they want it to mean.
Nor is today’s increased acceptance of the gay “rights” agenda confined to secularists, or to the religiously indifferent. Christians, including Catholics, in significant numbers are acquiescing in, and even favoring the idea, that homosexual behavior must no longer be disapproved of, or stigmatized. It must, at the very least, be considered morally neutral, if not actually somehow meritorious. Indeed, it must be considered something to which those, so inclined, have a right.
This viewpoint has, sadly, become widespread, if not dominant, not only in American society generally, but it has also affected—and sometimes divided—Christian communions and denominations, as well. Some of which, as a result of its influence, have deviated, and even departed entirely, from the traditional Christian understanding that always regarded same-sex intimacy as morally wrong, and out of bounds.
The same kind of deviation from the traditional Christian understanding has sometimes manifested itself within the Catholic Church. It has appeared in such phenomena as unauthorized “rainbow” Masses, and special “ministries,” carried out here and there in spite of the Church’s continuing strong moral condemnation of homosexual acts and practices. All in all, the “gays” have clearly succeeded in garnering considerable Christian sympathy for their dubious project.
When we consider the traditional Christian view of homosexual behavior, however—a view that, up until very recently, was largely reflected in society at-large—we must necessarily be surprised, not only at the degree, but at the rapidity, with which this deviant behavior has come to be accepted as both normal and natural.
There has been a relentless propaganda assault.
I came home from work and my daughter is watching Ellen on TV going on about proposition 8 in front of a studio audience primed with gifts to be supportive.
Just about every show has a sympathetic "gay" character e.g "Modern Family".
On the other hand Christians are often depicted as snaggle toothed bigots and our cause is not helped by Westboro Baptists who conform to stereotype.
This is the moment where Western Civilization has "jumped the shark", where hedonistic sexual relationships take precedence over reproductive ones.
Indeed to my horror my kids were taught at school that there is a condition called "unplanned pregnancy" - akin to a disease such as gentle warts both avoidable by condoms.
Take exception to such teaching and you will be treated as an idiot - out of touch with reality.
Make no mistake our culture is at war with God and his Church eg HHS mandate.
It is a rebellion and the consequences will be dire, I suspect.
Posted by: andrei | Monday, June 25, 2012 at 02:01 AM
Anyone who thinks a child being brought up and raised by Homosexual couples would not be emotionally damaged is either foolish or uncaring to the child's needs.One "parent" can never be his or her father and both can never be his or her mother.It is a social experiment too far and for the sake of a generation of children,it must not be supported.Thinking of children's welfare is now deemed bigotry in today's broken society.
Posted by: Peter L | Monday, June 25, 2012 at 02:34 PM