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Thursday, May 17, 2012


Peter L

Lets not give up on the students of these universities just yet.On my fathers side,there was a long line of priests from a house that said the Rosary daily.On my mothers side,the parish priest never left our house,he was nearly part of the furniture.I went through the whole Catholic schooling system.

My point being.On leaving school,even coming from a background like mine,i drifted away from Mass and the Church for a long time.Starting to work at sixteen,i found myself lost in the world,going to Mass seemed a hardship and mortality seemed so far of i felt invincible,something i am sure a lot of these students are experiencing now.How backward the Church must seem to them,when comparing her to the modern and Secularist world.

It may take some time for them to see the destruction of abortion,same sex marriage and contraception the modern and Secularist world is pushing them into,this will hopefully come with age and maturity.Youth may be wasted on the young but the Church is old and wise.Someday these students,just like me,will come to love Christ and his Church and everything she stands for.

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