... she writes this sort of stuff, from her most recent, uh, screed, "Father Doesn't Know Best":
The bishops and the Vatican care passionately about putting women in chastity belts. Yet they let unchaste priests run wild for decades, unconcerned about the generations of children who were violated and raped and passed around like communion wine.
When hell freezes over, Dowd will write the following:
The public school administrators and educators care passionately about talking of "tolerance" and "respect". Yet they still allow preying teachers to run wild, unconcerned about the tens of thousands of children who are harrassed, molested, violated, and raped, and passed around like hall passes.
Rather than bother with another fisking (we've already done that and been there recently), let's go with a simple clerihew:
The mocking, misandrous Maureen Dowd,
Preaches her Time-ly religion, loud and proud:
Men are evil and hell will forever persist,
While chastity, clergy, and Church exist.
We now return to our regularly scheduled blog posts.
So...she gets paid to write this stuff, right?
If so, that's depressing.
Posted by: Mulder | Saturday, May 26, 2012 at 10:36 PM
The bell would ring and Pavlov's dog started to drool. The bishops stand for Church teaching and Maureen Dowd starts to foam at the mouth.
From the photos available, I'd say the dog was cuter.
Posted by: Subvet | Sunday, May 27, 2012 at 07:44 AM
Dowd is a cultural Catholic, and represents the mindset that afflicts a large percent of those who demographically identify as "Catholic." She also represents the "Sex in the City" caricature modeled by TVs Sarah Jessica Parker. Her column could accurately be labeled after another Sarah, as "Eat, Pray, Love." As toxic as it is sleak and "spiritual."
Posted by: Joe | Sunday, May 27, 2012 at 12:57 PM