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Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Charles E Flynn

I have heard two arguments made. The first is that Buddhism is a philosophy, not a religion, so it can be compatible with Catholicism, because Catholicism does not have an official philosophy. The second is that Jesus could not have said he is "the Way, the Truth, and the Life", because Hebrew does not have definite articles. At most, the argument goes, he could have said he is "Way, Truth, and Life", leaving these roles open for others.

When I hear these arguments, I wonder whether a sigh or a rolling of the eyes towards the heavens should come first.


1. Methinks Thomas Merton needs to be taken to the wood shed just briefly here.

2. Please republish John C. Wu's From East to West please. The guy who is the China expert who writes here sometimes could write a bang up intro no doubt.

And now done role-playing publisher, I react...

3. Wait, *Oliver Stone's* son was--ever--a professing Christian? Wow.



"The first is that Buddhism is a philosophy, not a religion, so it can be compatible with Catholicism, because Catholicism does not have an official philosophy."

To people who say this, I would ask "Ever hear of St. Thomas Aquinas?" :)

Charles E Flynn


If anyone deserves the title of official philosopher, it would be St. Thomas Aquinas. Search for "Catholic" on this page:


lol, love the title! I myself am an AgnosticZoroastrianJewishFreudian, but I digress...

"1.Methinks Thomas Merton needs to be taken to the wood shed just briefly here."
I'm totally in agreement!

"3. Wait, *Oliver Stone's* son was--ever--a professing Christian? Wow."
rofl, my sentiments exactly! Which one of his parents brought him up as a Christian? Certainly not his father. But maybe he meant 'christian' and 'jewish' in the cultural sense?

What I don't understand is this fad today that involves people having more then one religion. It's just so senseless and self-contradictory, you'd think they would pick up on it, but they never do. Having multiple religions does not give one a bigger or truer picture of reality, rather it gives one a splintered portrait, one that is true to neither of the faiths in question, and one that is ultimately false.


Growing more daft by the minute, what will happen when Stone adds Buddhism to his Islamism or if is caught burning incense to a little bronze figure, will there be a fatwa issued on him?? What would happen if he decided to make a movie in Israel? Confucius, your turn next....


Jesus Christ died for us, fulfilled prophecy, performed miracles and overcame death. Buddha wandered around and around and around and talked and talked and talked till he dropped dead. Buddhist 'philosophy' is inhuman, fatalistic and denies the immortal soul of man. Comparing Christianity and Buddhism is not 'apples and oranges' it is more like 'apples and Studebakers'.


Hebrew - both ancient and modern - DOES have a definite article. It's the Hebrew letter 'heh' usually pronounced 'hah' and is attached to the noun or adjective that it modifies.

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