First, the "Funny, but false", from a comment left in response to my CWR post about Rick Santorum's strong showing in Iowa:
So, are you one of "Obama's Catholics"?
I noted that suggesting that I am an "Obama Catholic" is like saying Pope Benedict XVI is a liberation theologian who wishes all Masses featured puppet shows and rock bands. Goodness. All you have to do is read one of my many posts raking Douglas Kmiec over the coals to know how laughable that remark really is.
Speaking of Santorum, Conrad Black nails it:
We will have to wait to see whether Rick Santorum’s jump to a virtual dead heat with Mitt in Iowa is enough to bring out the anti-non-Mitt assassination squads. Santorum is an unusually fervent Roman Catholic for a presidential candidate and such an emergence would doubtless treat us all, one more time, to Gail Collins and Maureen Dowd of the New York Times dusting off their former little selves as intellectually abused Catholic choir girls and Garry Wills acolytes in dogmatic schism. Who better to impose the inverse auto-da-fé than the twin Zouave giggly snipers of the Times?
For those of us who take an interest in the vagaries of the Roman Church, the virtuoso performances of Ms. Collins and Ms. Dowd as earnest, questing papists, almost heartbroken at the failure of the last two popes to undergo sex-change operations and turn the Church into a polling organization, and at other, less glaring illiberalities, are like the concluding number in Chicago of Catherene Zeta-Jones and Renée Zellweger.
That's funny. And, I think, true. Read the entire NRO piece.