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Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Magister Christianus

Are you familiar with the Society of Christian Philosophers ( It would not exist without Plantinga, especially his famous address "Advice to Christian Philosophers," which can be found all over the web. They publish an excellent journal called Faith and Philosophy.

Dan Deeny

It is interesting that The New York Times has a Calvinist speak for Christian philosophers. I'm pretty negative on the Calvinists, especially the T in TULIP.


Bring it Plantinga >:]

Strange that he chose atheists like Dawkins and Dennett lol why not Oppy, Rowe or Smith? Weak sauce.

Late Scholastic

Plantinga's free will defense against the the logical problem of evil is considered a an overwhelming (just about total) rebuttal of the argument by most in the philosophy professoriate. However, the discussion on the problem of evil has shifted over to the evidential problem of evil, namely that the existence of God is unlikely, rather than illogical. So Plantiga trying to blind Dawkins with science is just as unlikely as a Dawkins convincing a Plantiga that there is no physical "logic" just the likely neuro-chemical appearance in your head.


One note: Alister McGrath if I am not wrong is a Molecular Biologist, not a physicist :P

Carl E. Olson

FM: It appears that we are both right (although you are closer to the mark); from the bio on McGrath's website:

In September 1966 he became a pupil at the Methodist College, Belfast, majoring in pure and applied mathematics, physics and chemistry. He was elected to an open major scholarship at Wadham College, Oxford University, to study chemistry from October 1971, where his tutors included Jeremy R. Knowles and R. J. P. Williams. He gained first class honours in chemistry in June 1975, and began research in molecular biophysics in the Oxford University Department of Biochemistry...

I should have also noted that he is an Anglican cleric and is an incredibly prolific author; I've read five or six of his many books.

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