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Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Charles E Flynn

Another positive development:
Atlantis rises: US seminaries are changing.


It's a beautiful story about his father reconciling himself to his son's vocation.

I felt a strong vocation to the priesthood when I was a young boy (subsequently abandoned, for better or for worse) and I still remember the look of consternation on my mother's face when I said I wanted to be a priest when I grew up. I really don't understand why parents so often have this reaction. My wife and I wish one of our children had a vocation.

Robert Miller

Bishop Sample is too young to remember a scene that many of us, ten years or so older than he, can remember vividly.

Circa 1963, Father X or Sister Y or Brother Z is a very devout and orthodox preacher or teacher. Over summer, Father X or Sister Y or Brother Z attend courses at the local Catholic college (or maybe even at Notre Dame, or some other "name" university).

In 1964, Father X or Sister Y or Brother Z return spewing acid scorn on all of the practices and most of the beliefs that they had promoted so devoutly just the year before (and for many years before that).

In 1965, Father X or Sister Y or Brother Z don't return at all. They have become Mr. A, Ms. B and Mr. C.

The next year, Bishop Sample started kindergarten.

I can testify that there literally is no exaggeration in this account of the early and middle 1960s. It was an astonishing, frightening and profoundly demoralizing environment to experience as a Catholic teenager. And though it wasn't true, it was said then without official contradiction (and for many years thereafter) that it was what Vatican II was actually after.

How was it that apostasy was able to make so much headway under the cloak of Vatican II? I am a hermeneutic of continuity true believer, but I think we need to strive for a better understanding of what went wrong with the presentation and reception of Vatican II, before we can repair the damage that has been done in that Council's name.

Kevin C.

Dan - Just a little quibble, but all your children have vocations. Objectively speaking a vocation that imitates more closely our relationship with God in heaven is 'better' (ie - the celibate priesthood, see St. Paul's epistles). However, subjectively, each of your children have a particular vocation to follow, and only that vocation can bring them to the heavenly banquet.

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