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Monday, November 28, 2011


Lauri Friesen

I went to Mass yesterday morning and I loved it! Full disclosure: I love "Jane Eyre" and Jane Austen and Dickens, too, all of whom are often described and derided as "stilted" and "formal" and "archaic". It is a poor workman who blames his tools and a lazy reader (listener) who wants texts composed of five-word sentences and four- to eight-letter words.

fr. richard

"Make note to self: the Church's liturgy is about Ms. Malpezzi's feelings. We can only pray—together, of course—that God can bridge the dizzying chasm between her inarticulate longings and His omniscience."

Heh, heh, heh. That would be even more amusing if it wasn't so stilted.


LOVE this!

As for "stilted," this from the tin-eared crowd that not only gave us the post V2 liturgy, but also continues to impose on all the peerless NAB translation?

I would say there is an ideological agenda consciously at work, but I am not sure that is the case. Closer to the truth may be that contemporary aesthetics and liberal theology are usually connected at a very basic and sub-conscious level, and only disentwined by the most invasive surgery. Hence all the screaming. And the difficult-to-explain things like replacing St Vibiana's with a barge like OUr Lady of the Angels.


"if you think the roof here doesn't mean the reference to the centurion and the roof of his home, but rather the roof of your mouth because you're going to be receiving a communion wafer, that can be a real mess."

If you would EVER think "roof" means roof of your mouth, you are going to be real mess no matter what translation you use.

Louis G

If you have ever changed from an old clunker to a new car, you have been challenged to become accustomed to new features, even if they are improvements. But you will resist the change only if you are determined to do so, and put aside any regard for the quality of what you are driving. "The finish is too shiny; it hurts my eyes." "The marker lights are too complicated; they don't proclaim" ... oops ... "signal the movement of the car comfortably." Rationalizations of why deficiencies should be preferred are just so much drivel.

And so also with the new translation. All of us are challenged in greater or lesser measure, but the change is only a stumbling block and obstacle for those determined to make it so.

David Deavel

Brilliant, Carl!


If I was a conspiracy kind of guy I would think that there was a memo somewhere that suggested the word "stilted" much like the way all the mainstream press seem to latch onto an adjective and wear it out on a particular news item.

However, not being that kind of guy my only option is to believe that someone used the word and the rest picked up on it. That, in and of itself defeats their argument because they have demonstrated a remarkable ability to quickly learn an expression not all that common in ordinary discourse (I can honestly say that I have never heard that word used at work), and use it frequently in a particular context which they all understand.

Now I recently have had occasion to listen to the disconnected ramblings of a "word guru" (my expression) whose mission in life it would seem; apart from looking like a fellow who suddenly appeared out of the woods with Abe and Ladge in the Outlaw Jose Wales; is to ferret out the hidden meanings in language, particularly of law and government, to expose the enslavement of the common man and otherwise live by the dictum "thou shalt seek the conspiracy in all things."
(For the curious:

I mention him because he immediately came to mind in considering that word "stilted." Could it be that it means simply "to be on stilts?" I haven't looked at Webster yet, but if I am correct, would that not then require the common Catholic to adopt a posture or attitude of looking up? And perhaps, considering that is the way that Jesus ascended and the angels said he would return, that might not be a bad thing?

Just asking.

Jim from Utah

Methink some of the folks quoted don't exist except for in a fictitious land.


Wouldn't dumbing-down the liturgy be insulting to the sophisticates of the SVC or was there another objective in promulgating the flatness in liturgical language? Lex orandi, lex credendi. Perhaps the liturgists were not as concerned so much about "sursum corda" than in bringing worship down to their own level of mediocrity.

Charles E Flynn

Reverend Know-It-All has posted Why change the translation of the Mass? pt 6. Familiarity with the adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle is not a prerequisite.

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