From EWTN News/CNA:
This month’s meeting of world religious leaders in Assisi will downplay prayer as a feature of the event and will not contain inter-religious prayers.
“The emphasis this time is on pilgrimage and not on prayer,” said Cardinal Peter Turkson, President of the Vatican’s Council for Justice and Peace, to EWTN News. He is also a key organizer of the Oct. 27 event in the birthplace of St. Francis.
“In fact, from what I understand of the program, and it’s still being worked on, is that prayer is going to be out, if not very minimal.”
This year’s Assisi gathering is entitled “Pilgrims of Truth, Pilgrims of Peace,” and is being convened to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the first World Day for Peace, held by Pope John Paul II in 1986.
That summit came under fire from some Catholic groups who claimed it unwittingly blurred the distinctions between Catholicism and other religions.
Cardinal Turkson, who was in Assisi in 1986 along with two other African priests, said he understands why the event drew criticism. He recalled how “they were given some room in the city hall” to pray while “some non-Catholics appeared to have been given a church.” It was such incidents, he said, that “drew this sort of criticism.”
This time there will be no inter-religious prayer, the Vatican has already confirmed.