Dear Pro-Life Friend,
This Tuesday night, August 23, Abby Johnson, former Planned Parenthood abortion center director turned pro-life advocate — and author of the Top 10 National Bestselling book UnPlanned — will expose her former employer during a nationwide webcast event that will uncover the huge weakness she discovered while working inside the nation’s largest abortion operation, and that she has witnessed repeatedly while traveling coast-to-coast speaking out against Planned Parenthood …
… And YOU are invited to be there when it happens (but hurry, because there’s limited space available for the online event!)
Click here to register for the FREE webcast, where you’ll be among the first to discover:
- Why a Planned Parenthood clinic director and “employee of the year” changed sides to become an outspoken pro-life advocate
- The shocking truth about Planned Parenthood that was revealed through Abby’s high-stakes legal battle with the abortion giant
- The abortion industry’s #1 greatest fear — and how YOU can help make it come true
- Planned Parenthood’s secret Achilles Heel that could topple its abortion empire like a house of cards
- How to make abortion unavailable in your community … even while it’s still legal
- The most effective way to drive Planned Parenthood — or any other abortion operation — out of your community
- The brand-new tool from Ignatius Press, the powerful film Changing Sides, that you can use to change more hearts and minds about abortion, save more lives … and perhaps even impact eternal souls
You won’t want to miss this eye-opening LIVE webcast event where you’ll hear directly from Abby and other presenters including:
JEFF PARADOWSKI, Abby’s attorney who defeated Planned Parenthood’s legal team and PR spin machine in the high-stakes legal battle with the abortion buisness after Abby changed sides
DAVID BEREIT, national director of 40 Days for Life, the campaign of prayer and fasting, peaceful vigils outside abortion facilities, and grassroots outreach that played a major role in Abby’s conversion
SHAWN CARNEY, campaign director of 40 Days for Life, and the first person that Abby went to for help when she was ready to get out of Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry
Sign up to attend the FREE webcast. But act quickly, because space is extremely limited for the online event, and spaces are filling rapdily!
Register NOW to attend the August 23 webcast -- it's FREE!
Good job Abbey, Jeff , David and Shawn. Aug.23,2011
The Day Washington, Colorado, New Jersey , Michigan was shaken by Earthquakes. God is with us .
God bless all. May the Good Lord continue to empower you as we share in His work.
Joan D. Ford
Posted by: Joan D. Ford | Tuesday, August 23, 2011 at 07:20 PM