From Catholic News Service:
VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Distribution of an Italian edition of a new youth catechism was temporarily suspended because of a translation error concerning the church's teaching on contraception.
Thousands of copies of the Italian translation of "YouCat," a recently released supplement to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, erroneously left the impression that Catholic couples could use "contraceptive methods."
As a result, "the product is temporarily suspended, but not halted," so that the Italian publisher can "examine the text," Elena Cardinali, a spokeswoman for the Citta Nuova editorial group, told Catholic News Service April 12. Citta Nuova, the publishing arm of the Focolare lay movement, handled the Italian edition of the catechism.
The youth catechism was originally written in German and the work was supervised by Austrian Cardinal Christoph Schonborn of Vienna. The Italian edition was translated by Pietro Podolak and translation revisions were overseen by Cardinal Angelo Scola of Venice, according to the credit pages in the book.
The 300-page book uses a question-and-answer format to talk about what the church teaches.
Question 420 of the Italian edition and its brief reply incorrectly suggest that a married couple can use contraceptive methods.
Read the entire piece.
Here is more information about about the English edition of YOUCAT, published by Ignatius Press.
Also, the Catholic Truth Society, publisher of YOUCAT in England, has issued this statement regarding paragraph 420 in the Youth Catechism.
Related on Insight Scoop:
• YOUCAT and contraception (April 12, 2011)
• Sample pages from YOUCAT (Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church) (Mar. 17, 2011)
• Pope Benedict XVI's Preface to YOUCAT (Youth Catechism) (Feb. 4, 2011)
• Benedict XVI describes New Youth Catechism (YOUCAT) as "extraordinary" and "gripping" (Feb. 3, 2011)