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Monday, March 14, 2011



"A new survey has found that most young Americans believe it is more important in life to be a parent than to be married."

Then we certainly will not be needing Planned Paretnhood, right?


The thoughts may be scattered but you are consistently quite coherent. But how do you find time for all this?
(And sporting events, that just kills me!)

April B

This blog needs a 'Like' button like on facebook. I 'like' Joe's comment. ;)

I've not heard of Küng, but have had opportunity to hear plenty of comments in that same vein already. I'm always more surprised that people actually care what someone like him would have to say more than I'm surprised at their bogus attacks. I would think that if you wanted people to believe you, and not think you were an off-the-wall fanatic you would go with an argument that was a little less aggressive, and maybe even just a bit more subtle. And then I always wonder, did this guy actually read the Bible? Or the Fathers? Or did his 'church' start yesterday with zero history over the past 2K years? I just do NOT get it! IMO Any Christian who really reads any of the documents or history that exist has to know and believe at least some semblance of the truth, even if they don't understand it fully, whether or not they choose to ignore it. Which I've noticed seems to be what most of the persons I know do -- pick and choose elements of Christianity like they're at a buffet. So irksome!

Lastly, I know Jesus said to turn the other cheek, but it's just sad that we as a collective whole have sat back and watched our rights be taken from us in so many parts of the world. It makes me so sad. I always remember when I start depressing myself over what we've lost, or rather handed over, Fr. Corapi saying something about the darker the night the brighter the stars shine, and now that the times are getting darker we have the opportunity to shine so much brighter for God and it really excites me and makes me feel oh so much better about the whole situation -- at least in part. :)

Wonderful long blog today....oh, and I liked the article on Islam...silly group 3 Muslims.

And that is all. ~A~

Dan Deeny

I agree with Agnieszka. When do you find time to listen to all A long time ago I had an album by Keith Jarrett called The Cologne Concert. At the time I thought it was worthwhile, but now I don't know. Jazz seems to me to be just someone looking for attention, dribbling out notes that go nowhere.


To simplify matters considerably, we can speak of “Islam 1”—the Koran; “Islam 2”—the religion as it was subsequently expounded, interpreted, and developed; and “Islam 3”—the actual behavior of believing Muslims.

All due respect to Ibn Warraq, but this is one area where I would tread lightly, not for fear of Muslim retribution but for the simple reason that we ourselves spend a lot of apologetic time over the past actions of Christians.

There would be something to be said of the actions of Muslims, if we could demonstrate that the violence of some Muslims can be reasonably inferred from the faith itself, ie., "Koran1", or "Koran2". But that must be done first, at the risk of being labelled religiously intolerant, etc.

The whole point of the apologetic defense of Christianity in this area is that the faith itself does not teach violence, or simony, or child-abuse, the sin. In fact our faith, when followed, leads us to abhor those things, even though it also recognizes that we occasionally fall into them and need reconciliation.

The real question is perhaps without a definitive answer/admission from Islam itself; does or doesn't Islam teach violence against any or all non-Muslims? I think it does, and am prepared to live with the consequences of such an opinion.


reminded me of the story you've got posted above Carl....

And in reference to LJ's posting, I've read in the Koran where it tells them to not force their faith on others, and also where it tells them to force conversion and seek out and kill those who refuse to convert....and they say the OT conflicts with the NT. HA!

Carl E. Olson

I agree with Agnieszka. When do you find time to listen to all

Usually between the time I awake and the time I retire for the night. :-) I listen to music (mostly jazz and classical) while I work. And while I drive. And while I read. Etc. And I read regularly about music.

A long time ago I had an album by Keith Jarrett called The Cologne Concert. At the time I thought it was worthwhile, but now I don't know.

I think you are referring to The Köln Concert, which was a solo performance recorded in Cologne in January 1975. It is the best-selling solo piano album of all time, with 3.5 million copies sold. It is indeed worthwhile; for those who haven't heard any of it, listen to part of it on YouTube. Like most of Jarrett's solo concerts, the music was completely improvised on the spot (Jarrett regularly performed such concerts throughout the 1970s and into the 1980s). The beauty of the music is particularly impressive given that Jarrett was ill, hadn't slept for two days, and the piano (a last-second substitute) was of mediocre quality. And, to this day, there are jazz purists who won't accept the recording as "jazz". But that is part of the larger and ongoing discussion/debate over the question, "What is jazz?"

Jazz seems to me to be just someone looking for attention, dribbling out notes that go nowhere.

Well, Dan, I accept that some people simply don't like jazz. But your description is puzzling, to put it mildly. Granted, there is a wide range of jazz, and I don't care for all jazz (I'm not too keen on fusion jazz and a lot of free jazz). But I have to wonder as to how much jazz you've listened to. Anyhow, for those who have never really listened to jazz, check out my "Idiosyncratic List of Instrumental Jazz Albums (By Real Jazz Musicians) For People Who Swear or Think They Do Not and Cannot Like Jazz".

Bradley Birzer

Carl, you're a man of great taste. Thank you for all of this.

Dan Deeny

Thank you for your response and comments. I listened to part of Jarrett's recording. I think I'll stay with my opinion on Jazz. It is interesting that his performance was in 1975, just two years after Roe v Wade, a watershed in Western Civilization. Does his music reflect the value structure that led to the abortion business? Take a look at the sculpture being produced when Jarrett played that concert. Then take a look at Bernini's sculpture The Ecstasy of St. Teresa. After looking at St. Teresa, look closely at the angel, look at his face, then read St. Teresa's description of her experience. Compare the sensuality of Bernini's sculpture to Jarrett's music.
In classical music you might want to listen to Prokofiev.

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