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Monday, February 28, 2011



In either (I forget) Venerable Mary of Agreda's Mystical City of God or Blessed Anne Emmerich's Dolorous Passion..., the visionary tells us that she comprehends/is told that one liturgical year is sufficient to catechize a soul minimally yet properly. Of course, in pre-modern times, the life of Joe Average was very sedate and less distracted from the Church's daily calendar: cf. Millet's The Angelus.


Perhaps this is a little tangential but this post got me dreaming a little, Carl.

Politically/philosophically speaking this is one of the reasons I tend to offend people when I tell them I would prefer a Catholic country, probably a Kingdom, but one which does not insist that the separation of Church and State necessarily means that the State must be secular.

Even the Muslims understand this quite well. In order to give the societal context that gears the economy and the laws around the practice of the faith, it is necessary to have the "Church" and the State in alignment. (Their notion of religious tolerance, to the extent that it even exists, leaves a whole lot to be desired.)

Looking ahead at the post regarding the Chesterton view that society needs to be built around family, it seems to me that the two coincide very nicely, that is, a Catholic country based around family.

It is somewhat amusing to listen sometimes to the effusions of pity for those so-called "backward" Catholic societies such as Quebec used to be, or that some South American countries have been until recently.

In reality, those people who make such commentary (often Protestants) are making their assessment based strictly on a level of wealth and standard of living as compared to the rest of the west. Yet in another breath they will decry the moral state of western nations obsessed with nothing but accumulating wealth.


I think that although it is not necessarily the case, in practical reality, if we are to have a society that is geared to the faith and built around the Church's liturgical calendar, and I think that would be a great thing, we would find that the standard of living would not measure up to what a narcissistic, 24/7/365 maniacally productive society can produce.

Oh well, I can live with that, if I could live in the society that not only permits but encourages me and my family to follow my faith, and facilitates it, by taking the Church's liturgical calendar and building society around that, instead of just allowing me to fit my private religion in somewhere if I can, as long as it doesn't interfere with production and sales.

Perhaps that is medieval thinking, and then again perhaps they didn't have it all wrong.

Carl E. Olson

Nicely put, LJ. I find that with each passing year, the liturgical calendar/year becomes more and more meaningful and real to me, with riches that cannot be exhausted, if only I stop, listen, pray, contemplate, live, and worship as I should.

Manuel G. Daugherty Razetto

Thanks Carl for bringing this subject of the Liturgical Calendar; very
appropiate now when on April 17 we take part in the most Holy and Solemn Week of our Faith. No Liturgy is as sacred and meaningful than the Holy Week. Let us pray more Catholics participate in the rituals.

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