... Mark Brumley:
Not many business people can say they have the pope as a client, but Mark Brumley of Napa can.
Brumley is chief executive officer of Ignatius Press of San Francisco, the English-language publisher of Pope Benedict XVI’s books, including the pope’s most recent, “Light of the World.”
Ignatius Press has been publishing books by the pope since 1983, when he was known as Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, and before he became leader of the Roman Catholic church in 2005.
While it’s an honor to work with the pope, “There is a kind of humility in Joseph Ratzinger that makes you feel like this is no big deal,” Brumley said. “He’s very shy, but human and gentlemanly.”
Old-fashioned connections made the publishing relationship possible. The Rev. Joseph Fessio, founder of Ignatius Press, was Ratzinger’s student in the early 1970s.
“When (Ratzinger) became pope, we continued to publish his books,” Brumley said. Ignatius Press has published about four dozen books by Ratzinger. They include scholarly and theological works, official teachings of the Catholic church, personal opinions and devotional works. “Obviously, his books have sold very well since he became pope,” he said.
The way the pope and publisher work together is a bit different than the relationship between most other authors and their editors. When the pope has a new book to release, “The Vatican contacts us to see if we are interested. As you can suppose, we usually are,” Brumley said.
Read the entire piece, "When the pope speaks, Napa resident publishes", in the December 16th edition of Napa Valley Register.
One thing the piece doesn't mention directly is that Mark is an accomplished apologist, editor, and author. He is also the associate publisher of IgnatiusInsight.com and the man who calls all hands on deck whenever this blog begins to offer eccentric, uneven commentary on professional curling, jello desserts, and the metaphysics of "Hogan's Heroes". In other words, he's a man of many talents, wearing many hats, all while keeping his head on straight and his hands on the wheel. However, I have it on good authority that Mark's free-style rapping, dodge ball, and synchronized swimming skills are nothing to write home about...
• Check out some of Mark's articles on Ignatius Insight
If anyone knows Brumley's USCF rating, please contact me immediately.
Posted by: Ed Peters | Friday, December 17, 2010 at 02:07 PM