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Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Todd Newbold

I think Bishop Dolan will be great as President OF USCCB.
Gods Speed

Dan Collins

The Unseemly Garment

Thomas S

It's convenient to omit him from the story, but credit is still due...

Cardinal O'Connor was NOT alone in his opposition to Bernardin. A man named Bernard Law deserves credit, too. In fact, as far back as the '80s, Cardinals Law and O'Connor (good friends that they were) were dubbed "LAW & ORDER" in large part to their united front against the Seamless Garment nonsense.


Now, now Thomas - you mustn't post anything favourable about Cardinal Law. You know that he has to carry the can for all of the bishops in the USA who moved abusive priests, sometimes following the advice of psychologists instead of Church teaching.

Patti Fordyce

Well said, Thomas. It is also a little known fact that we have Cardinal Law to thank for the Catechism of the Catholic Church; he made the speech at the Synod of Bishops that requested its complilation.

On Archbishop Dolan's election: every time I see him interviewed, I think "Can England and Wales please have one of those?"

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