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Friday, September 03, 2010


Todd Newbold

I love statistics, with 1 billion Catholics, a world population of almost 10 billion that equals 10%. This is incredible a minority of 10% that has a Catholics Church, School, Hospital, Charity on every street corner. God Bless the priests, nuns, and church for their poverty, that leaves the money for Gods Work - Churches, Schools, Hospitals, and Charities. What a contrast.

Ed Peters

"Such discrimination may be a fading memory...."

Maybe, maybe not. It could still be there, but their basic numbers are so reduced that it doesn't show up as much. My take is that Britian's new virulent anti-Catholicism is what rushes in to till the void left by Henry VIII's destruction of the English Church, a case of the sins of the father echoing for centuries.

What is consoling is to see not a few British historians frankly reappraising Hank's legacy for what it was, ego-driven plunder and terror.


Yes, we definitely need a strong witness to the Faith these days...

Virginia L. Connor

As an Anglican Catholic, I prefer the Roman Catholic theology over anything the Churches run bu the NCC and their left-wing garbage espouses. If Anne Rice was disappointed by the RC, why didn't she seek out the Episcopal Church-which would've accepted her feminism and gay son? I left the Lutheran Church because of its liberalness and if I hadn't found the Anglican Church when I did, I would've gone RC instead. I love the Pope too and adored Mother Theresa for what she did. I also go to the RC when I can.

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