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Saturday, August 07, 2010



There is also a deliberate assault on language in certain quarters, for very specific reasons.

On the one hand, words have been interchanged for the purpose of obfuscation, to conceal meaning and real intent. This has been the constant pattern of the left for many years. They have been progressives, liberals, occasionally socialists and most recently have taken up the progressive mantle once more. Why? In their case it is simply a matter of deception. Were their true aims, their larger long-term goals explained with clarity, the majority of Americans would reject them. But incrementally they have been very successful.

But there is also the deliberate hi-jacking of words to change their meaning for socio-political purposes. That is the essence of the "marriage" debate ongoing. Instinctively, most people realize that the re-definition of marriage destroys the very social bedrock that the word represents. Culturally, there is no equivalent to what that word has meant over the centuries and that has been reflected in the law. The proponents of "same-sex marriage" often ask the rhetorical question, "how does it in any way affect your marriage if gays are given the same opportunity?"

That question is almost unanswerable in its magnitude. Changing the definition of that word "marriage" carries reverberations deep into the soul of society. We either accept the damage, create a new word or refuse to allow the re-definition.

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