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Friday, July 09, 2010


Michael McFarland

Churches like those mentioned above are the Catholic Churches own fault. Nothing is ever done by those in power (Bishops etc.)to make these Churches conform to the teaching of the Pope nad the Magesterium. For too long the liberals have been allowed to run amok with no fear of any penalty!!!

Brandon Vogt

So what did you do?! Reading the comments made by that priest had me wondering what I would have done if I was in your shoes. I think I would have considered the possibility of standing up in the middle of the homily and stating that he was flat-out wrong, and he's teaching heresy.

Multiple Popes and many Bishop's statement have explicitly stated that there ARE right ways and wrong ways to vote on particular pieces of legislation. Not all, but on occasion. And following ones conscience is not noble--or worthy of applause--unless it is properly formed through Truth.

(I would of course only consider doing that since, being on vacation, that would already be my last visit to that parish!)

I would then offer to talk to the priest afterward, and surely send a letter to his bishop explaining his serious errors. I think the above commenter is correct. The bishop's authority can only be expected to hold popular weight if they crack down on blatant heresy.

And many wonder how masses of nominal Catholics can blatantly disregard episcopal teachings; teachings like this from leaders of communities hold so much sway.


The applause from the Catholics in the pew is quite disturbing. Coming from Los Angeles you occasionally hear errant ideas but the Catholics in the pew do not cheer it on. I wonder how this priest would respond to legislation in this country when they decided on free and slave states, before the civil war. Never a right or wrong way to vote on any specific piece of legislation? The only answer for a democratic people not going the wrong way is a Pro Life conscious


"There is never a right or wrong way to vote on any specific piece of legislation."

So...why fret about politics at all? If the priest really believed this, he wouldn't even bother mentioning Obamacare. But then, if he were being truthful and he really opposed authoritarianism, he'd oppose Obamacare as well.

Christopher Lake

What this priest *might* have meant (I can, ultimately, only speculate) is that "There is no right or wrong way to vote on a piece of legislation, unless you disagree with my particular 'progressive' views"...

Deb Brunsberg

Oh, to have been able to stand up, call the priest a heretic and march out. I can barely grasp that a priest talked like that in a homily so I have no idea what I would do. I would hate to leave without my Eucharist, if I could have believed the priest had any intention of consecrating it validly.
I will probably be dead before all the liberal post Vatican II priests retire, but it will be such a better day with the crop of new priests and the seminarians I see today. They are holy, Roman Catholic priests. We may have fewer priests, but we will have holy priests.
I pray the priest in this article will be brought to conversion before he dies.


Christ had no need to be authoritarian because he was authoritative--the difference between being an overbearing enforcer and being an accurate and reliable source of the truth. That is what the magisterium has always been, even when her pastors have strayed into error and willful ignorance.


I think the best course of action would be to take your family, stand up and leave without saying a word. Denouncing the priest in a few words (of necessity) would be futile and disrespectful of his office. Leaving without words would, perhaps, say even more. If this were not your diocese, I wonder if any follow up to the bishop would be effective. Possibly it would.

You have given me some food for thought, if ever I am in a similar situation. Luckily only once was this the case in my 60 plus years of Catholic Masses.

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