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Sunday, June 06, 2010



My sister & her current husband left the Catholic Church for the Lutheran a couple of years ago bc they'd both been married before & didn't want to go thru an annulment process. They are both very content in the knowledge that the difference in belief in the Eucharist between the two churches is "no big deal". They are sure that they celebrate "Eucharist" just like they did in the Catholic Church because that's what they are told and because, I"m sure, that's what they want to believe. It makes life so much easier that way!

Carl quoted his friend as saying:

“I don’t see what the big deal is. I believe that Communion is symbolic, and you believe it is more than a symbol. But, either way, we’re both Christians."

I think this is interesting, and a real reflexion on the gradual erosion of any sort of unified worldview. In a Kantian, post-Cartesian, world, what we believe religiously is a separate noumenal level of reality from the real world of material.

Had you told your friend that Catholics believe there are tigers waiting to devour any non-Catholic who entered a Catholic church, your friend would not have reacted by saying, "well, you Catholics believe that, and we non-Catholics don't, but we're both Christians after all." He would rather have started edging away from such a nut :-)

Our greatest battle today may be just at this level - that reality is one; that the Eucharist is Jesus; and that if that is not so, then we Catholics are either as mad as the man who believes in spies hiding under his bed, or else as wicked as the person who says he has twenty million dollars waiting for you in Nigeria.


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