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Tuesday, May 04, 2010


Robert Miller

Cere's thesis is, well ... searing.

But I think we need something like a new Inquisition (come to think of it, we already do)to provide the world with a real Catholic account of what this has been all about.

Let's not forget that Jesus' little ones are not only children, nor that sexual abuse is not the only kind of abuse that one had better had a millstone tied around his neck instead of.

Many "little ones" have had their innocence and faith despoiled in Catholic institutions during the last 50 years. I remember being required to read "The Council, Reform and Reunion" by one H. Kung in my 8th-grade parochial school classroom in the fall of 1962 ...

The rest of the filth of the last 48 years hasn't come as much of a surprise.


What a fantastic and fantastically thorough appraisal.

Speaking of Kung, there is an interesting piece on David Tracy in Commonweal right now. The few passing stories on then-Cardinal Ratzinger will make you love him more.

Brian J. Schuettler

" I remember being required to read "The Council, Reform and Reunion" by one H. Kung in my 8th-grade parochial school classroom in the fall of 1962 "

I belive that is considered "cruel and unusual punishment" even for a precocious eighth grader.

Robert Miller

Thanks, Brian. I needed that so much after all these years.

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