This pressing question, fraught with all sorts of theological, soteriological, and political undertones, is bravely and soberly (ahem!) addressed in this recent AFP article, which provides the following (admittedly non-systematic) answers:
1. Be based in New York City.
2. Establish a "Global Initiative".
3. Employ "swelling, movie-style music".
4. Stay in a Sheraton.
5. Be praised by the most powerful man in the world, the President of the United States.
6. Be surrounded by politicians, global leaders, and Hollywood stars.
7. Prepare for adulation of your " famous schmoozing skills."
8. Listen to the Prez say, ""He looks you in the eye, he feels your pain..."
9. Have plenty of "charm."
10. Found an organization that as, for the past few years, helped treat millions for disease, educated many, and provided drinking water for many others.
Now, how would Jesus do in comparison? Two thousand years ago...
1. He was born in Bethlehem.
2. He established the Kingdom of God and founded the Catholic Church.
3. His birth was announced by a host of singing angels.
4. He was born in a manger, lived in modest mud/clay homes, often slept under the stars.
5. He was persecuted by political and religious leaders and mocked by the Emperor's representative.
6. He was surrounded by fishermen, poor people, sick people, and tax collectors, along with a few devoted women.
7. He was told by some disciples, following a discourse, "This is a hard saying; who can listen to it?"
8. While dying on the Cross, a Roman centurion said, looking upon him: "Truly this was the Son of God!"
9. He was mocked for being from Nazareth and he described himself as "lowly."
10. He established an institution, the Catholic Church, which changed the course of human history, brought the sacraments and salvation to untold numbers of people for two thousand years, established the roots of the greatest civilization in the history of humanity, founded more hospitals, hospices, charities, apostolates, religious orders, and orphanages than any other institution or movement in the history of man, founded the university, educated tens of millions, advanced scientific discovery and research in numerous fields, sponsored great music and art, directly and indirectly inspired some of the greatest works of poetry, prose, and scholarship known to man, and so forth and so on.
Not to take anything away, of course, from 21st century world saviors. I'm just sayin'...
carl, I wish every Catholic outlet in the world would pick this post up & put it on their front page. Its beyond me how O followers, Catholic & non, are blinded the moment he steps up to his telepromters. He contradicts himself several times a week, consistently builds up an infrastructure which can only be meant to crush anyone who disagrees with him and makes "Slick Willie" look like a piker but adulation continues unabated among Catholics here & abroad. Go figure. I can't.
Posted by: g | Saturday, September 26, 2009 at 06:30 AM
All I can say is Amen!
Posted by: Brian J. Schuettler | Saturday, September 26, 2009 at 07:23 AM
A nice antidote to the froth of our contemporary culture.
Posted by: Jack | Sunday, September 27, 2009 at 10:49 AM
Even when the Ten Commandments were being carved in stone, the masses were making an idol to worship. So it will ever be - man is fickle and often stupid and has the shortest memory in history. AMen
Posted by: A.DEMERSE | Monday, September 28, 2009 at 09:27 AM