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Tuesday, September 01, 2009


Fr. Andrew

I'm quite disappointed that CL would invite the Blairs to speak. If I'm not mistaken, the Rimini meeting is CL, right? I wonder if Burgwald knows anything about this.


Funny how I always feel insulted by the very women who claim to protect me from my fertility and all its ravages. Thanks for attending to these matters for me, though; now I must return to my meaningless, uneventful existence of raising & schooling my 5 children.


Cherie Blair is either poorly informed or being intentionally less than truthful. A woman can control her fertility through very effective natural family planning methods, such as the Billings Method or Creighton method, that allow people to stay firmly faithful to Catholic teaching on birth control. There is no need for contraceptives. There is still much work to be done on teaching natural family planning. Even though the Billings Ovulation Method has been around for close to 35 years, most people (including Catholics) are ignorant of it due to poor marriage prep classes and a completely misguided belief that family planning can only be achieved through artificial means. Natural family planning methods are just as effective as the Pill, as even the Chinese government (no supporter of the Faith) was forced to admit.


Sorry, in my previous post I used the phrase "control her fertility" when I should have written "understand and control her fertility". Natural family planning is about understanding the natural cycle of fertility, not artificially and forcibly interfering with the natural cycle of one's body.


What's the deal with Communion & Liberation? If they invited Tony Blair they certainly aren't orthodox in their faith.

Barrie Singleton

Now that Mandelson is running Britain and Blair is running the world, can the apocalypse be far behind?

I recommend reading the transcript of Rimini. What emerges is the lifelong struggle in side Tony between the Catholicism of his mother and the hedonism of his hurt child, culminating in the mad assertion that 'faith and reason are one'. What a banana.

N.W. Clerk

CL has some serious problems that I believe are European based. For example, one issue of their magazine, Traces, had a fawning article on Obama. When I asked someone in the know why, he said it was because of a cultural difference: In places like Italy and Spain, politicians are often virulently and publicly anti-Christian. That really overt hostility would not play well in the US, so politicians tend to mouth platitudes about faith.

So when Obama writes books and talks about his "faith," Europeans go, "Wow! This is great." They have no clue (and aren't willing to do the work to dig in and look)that it is a front.

I wonder if the same sort of thing might be happening with Blair. You know - "He says good things about the faith!!!"

This is no excuse, of course. I am deeply, deeply saddened by what CL is doing. It is fine to "dialogue" with nonvbelievers like the Blairs - I recently attended a conference where Catholics interacted with atheists - but everyone - the Catholics AND the nonbelievers - admitted up front what was going on.

To pretend that the positions of the Blairs are "Catholic"...well, it's not just their content but the form - the form of contempt for Catholic ecclesiology, et.

Sigh. I have many friends in CL but this is just the tip of the iceberg.

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