Not surprisingly, it has to do with Dan Brown, who possesses a mad gift for eliciting and inspiring stupidity. In an article titled, "Dan Brown's 'The Lost Symbol' remains secret despite all the attention, much like the author himself" (September 12, 2009), New York Daily News writer Sherryl Connelly provides this priceless nugget of novel news:
Was seen ... by who? Space aliens? Browns' marketing team? Elizabeth Vargas? The Trilateral Commission?
Of course, I should admit up front that I was alerted to this big of "news" by the agents of some very powerful, shadowy, and heavily cloaked Vatican operatives. Cherie Peacock, editor of This Rock magazine, e-mailed me this blog post by Terry Mattingly of Get Religion, who in turn hat tipped Diogenes of Off the Record.
The fact is, everyone knows that the Holy Father wrote his book as a preemptive strike against Philip Pullman's upcoming book on the "real Jesus." Duh.