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Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Dan Deeny

Poor Prof. Kmiec: he went around the bend some time ago. We must pray for him. Cardinal Mahony is a different matter altogether. Thomas Peters is right to point out the Cardinal's problems. Who knows why the Cardinal says what he does? Does anyone have an answer?

T. Shaw

I'm pretty sure I'm the dullest reader here. And, Kmiec is an angel compared to me in the sin area. I'm often astounded that you allow my comments to appear.

Here's what I think:

1. Provide evidence/proof.

2. Apparently, his your cathechism is different from The Catechism of The Catholic Church.

3. Your strenuous support for the most rabid abortionist candidate in the history of the world BELIES that sentnece. I mean! I'm fairly stupid but how can you say life should be protected from conception when you helped elect the most opposed person to protecting life at conception? Oh, he's against the death penalty, and water boarding, and he's for taxing the rich to pay off his envious/hate-filled hordes of professional dependents and felons who will vote for him for life? Obviously, you believe it's ok to kill 2,000,000 babies a year while he stops water-boarding and impose secular socialism on the American people. I'm an accountant --- that doesn't balance. But, back top protecting life: do you support Obama using robot planes to execute (without even due process) people all over the world? And, thos two, poor Somalis he had murdered on Easter 2009!!! Oh, the humanity!!!!

4. I can't go on. I just barfed all over the keyboard!

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