From the August/September 2009 issue of First Things:
At present, the most preferred means for addressing perceived intolerance seems to be antidiscrimination legislation. Across the Anglosphere and in many Western nations, the idea of antidiscrimination has shown enormous power to shape public opinion. It is being used to redefine marriage and to make a range of relationships acceptable as the foundation for new forms of the family. Antidiscrimination legislation, in tandem with new reproductive technologies, has made it possible for children to have three, four, or five parents, relegating the idea of a child being brought up by his natural mother and father to nothing more than a majority adult preference. The rights of children to be created in love and to be known and reared by their biological parents receives scant consideration when the legislative agenda is directed to satisfying adult needs and ambitions.
Until relatively recently, antidiscrimination laws usually included exemptions for churches and other religious groups so that they could practice and manifest their beliefs in freedom. That word exemptions is actually a misnomer, suggesting as it does some sort of concession from the state to eccentric minorities. These provisions are better described as protections of religious freedom—and such protections are increasingly being refused or defined in the narrowest possible terms in new antidiscrimination measures, with existing protections eroded or construed away by the courts.
Read the entire essay, "Intolerant Tolerance".
Related Links/Articles:
• Excerpts from Truth and Tolerance | Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger
• Is Tolerance Intolerant? | James Hitchcock
• The Vatican, Ecumenism, and Tolerance | Dr. James Hitchcock
• Are Christians Intolerant? | Michael O'Brien
• Secularity: On Benedict XVI and the Role of Religion in
Society | Fr. James V. Schall, S.J.
• Compelled By Faith | An Interview with George Cardinal Pell
• Interview with Tess Livingstone, author
of George Pell: Defender of the Faith Down Under.