Here is a clip from Clare And Francis, the epic feature film (200 minutes long) on the lives of St. Clare and St. Francis of Assisi shot on location in Italy by the Italian film company Lux Vide, the producers of Saint Rita, Pope John Paul II and St. John Bosco:
Click here to learn more about the movie.
They really did a great job on this one. I bought it a while back and plan on watching it again soon.
Posted by: Jackson | Tuesday, August 11, 2009 at 06:29 PM
O Claire, endowed with so many titles of clarity!
Clear [clara] even before your conversion,
clearer [clarior] in your manner of living,
exceedingly clear [praeclarior] in your enclosed life,
and brilliant [clarissima] in splendor
after the course of your mortal life.
In Claire, a clear mirror is given to the entire world.
--Pope Alexander IV
Posted by: W. | Tuesday, August 11, 2009 at 10:17 PM