From the Cardinal Newman Society:
Congregation for the Causes of Saints on Friday, July 3, announced that Pope
Benedict has approved as miraculous the healing of Deacon Jack
Sullivan, who attributed his cure from a crippling spinal disorder to the
intercession of Cardinal Newman. In April, 2008 doctors assigned to
scrutinize the healing said that science offers no explanation for Deacon
Sullivan’s cure on the Feast of the Assumption in 2001.
Cardinal Newman Society (CNS) gives thanks to God for the approved miracle of
our patron, John Henry Cardinal Newman. We urge Catholics worldwide to
pray for his intercession, especially in the ongoing renewal of Catholic higher
Deacon Sullivan’s miraculous healing took place after watching a program on EWTN by Cardinal Newman Society Advisory Board Member and noted Newman scholar Father C. John McCloskey, III who encouraged viewers to pray for Cardinal Newman’s intercession for their intentions.
In an article, "Who Is John Henry Newman?" (sub. required for full article), I wrote for the March/April 2009 issue of The Catholic Answer, I briefly traced the long road so far for Newman's canonization: Given
Cardinal Newman's reputation during his lifetime, both for his
prodigious intellect and for his personal sanctity, support for his
canonization not surprisingly began at his death. His formal cause for
sainthood has been underway for some time now, making headlines, at
times, even in secular publications. An article in America magazine in 1941, along with Pope Pius XII's
support of the 1945 "Centenary of Newman's Conversion," played
essential roles in moving the process along. In an address to the Cardinal Newman Academic Symposium in 1975,
Pope Paul VI acknowledged the powerful and ongoing witness of Cardinal
Newman: "He who was convinced of being faithful throughout his life, with
all his heart devoted to the light of truth, today becomes an ever
brighter beacon for all who are seeking an informed orientation and
sure guidance amid the uncertainties of the modern world -- a world
which he himself prophetically foresaw." In fact, the Pope had hoped that he might celebrate the Holy Year of
1975 with the beatification of the English cardinal. But more research
was needed before that event could take place.
Related Books from Ignatius Press:
• Parochial and Plain Sermons, by John Henry Newman
• Prayers, Verses, and Devotions, by John Henry Newman
Literary Giants, Literary Catholics, by Joseph Pearce
Literary Converts, by Joseph Pearce
• Classic Catholic Converts, by Fr. Charles Connor
I was taken to task a few weeks ago for predicting an Anglican Rite to be announced jointly with the announcement about Blessed John Henry Newman.
We Anglo catholics still think it will happen. My English brothers wonder why John Henry went to bat for an American, rather then a fellow subject of the Queen. Blessed Newman needs one more cure . May I ask you all to ask his help in the cure of Father Ralph Thomas Walker D D, SSC Master of the Society of the Holy Cross in North and South America. Cancer ! Newman seems to like us Yanks and has Our Father's Ear so to speak. Thanks
Posted by: Art Varga | Tuesday, July 07, 2009 at 09:16 PM