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Tuesday, June 23, 2009



I'm happy that William E. May's "Marriage: The Rock..." will be back in print. I was looking for copies on EBay and they were going for about $100. His outline of Marriage as a 1. person-affirming, 2. love- enabling 3. life-giving and 4. sanctifying reality is Truth ... and well explained!


Looks good. As for the designers, they do wonderful work for IP. I'd particularly like to see an interview with one of your best, Roxanne Mei Lum.

Rich Leonardi

There goes the other half of my paycheck.

The books by Gilson and Kreeft look to be can't-miss.

When will the Handbook of Catholic Apologetics be released?

Carl E. Olson

Rich: I think the Handbook is now available.


I'm reading The Dividing of Christendom right now, and it comes from a pretty refreshing angle. (Part of that's the time he's writing in--half-in, half-out-of the Vatican II era. His take is perhaps a precursor to Fr. Neuhaus?) The preceding work (Formation of Christendom) was masterful, and I half-regret not waiting to read it until I had them both in hand. Maybe only quarter-regret (loved that book).

(By the way, Carl, the link on Dividing of Christendom is broken.)


Leisure: The Basis of Culture is not by Josef Pearce, but by Josef Pieper.

Mark Brumley

On the William E. May book, Marriage: The Rock on Which the Family is Built, this will be a revised, expanded edition.

The Dividing of Christendom and Handbook of Catholic Apologetics are both now available.

Mark Brumley

The ICSB booklet on the epistles of John and Revelation is also now available.

Robert Miller


Great list, but it's Pieper, not Pearce, on "Leisure, the Basis of Culture" -- great book.

Carl E. Olson

Thanks, gents, for pointing out the error re: Pearce/Pieper. Trying to work too quickly and all that. Thanks, Mark, for the updates; I'll update the list accordingly.


I'm thrilled about Undset's "Catherine of Siena". I absolutely cannot wait to get that, as I've been searching for it for quite a while. Lots of great stuff in this list.


So now that all the books of the NT are now available in the Ignatius Study Bible my question is, will Ignatius publish all in a single NT volume instead of 13 booklets? I purchased the Gospels and really liked them (I even used them to lead an adult Bible study on the Gospels), but I would rather have one volume rather than a bunch of additional booklets.

Mark Brumley

Yes. We're compiling the single volume, creating a concordance, and creating other items.


Awesome! [happy dance]


Can't wait to get the Gilson and Kreeft books!

Are Peter Kreeft's Socrates books ever going to put into a single volume? Would IP ever think of publishing an intro text along those lines? The reason that I ask is that his books are entertaining, readable and packed with realism. I teach a high school Philosophy class and would love to have something along those lines rather than the expensive intros by secular publishers.

If anyone knows of a good “Catholic” Philosophy intro. text for high school students that is reasonably priced ($55 and under), please let me know.



What kind of intro texts are you looking for?

A survey of the history of philosophy?

Or a few good philosophical texts to read with students and discuss?

If the latter, then I would recommend:

-Plato's dialogues sometimes called The Last Days of Socrates (individually they are Euthyphro, The Apology, Crito, and Phaedo)

-Boethius' Consolations of Philosophy

-and Josef Pieper's Leisure: The Basis of Culture (which is two parts: the first half on a philosophy of leisure and its role in human life and then the second half on "The Philosophical Act," what it means to philosophize.) The second half of Pieper is what I would recommend while reading the works by Plato and Boethius. The first half is really good too, but not sure how well high school students would understand its point.

This way of approaching philosophy allows the students to read primary texts and actually do philosophy as they read and discuss the works. The texts above really help one go through the dialogue process and experience (and hopefully learn) how dialectic or argument happens. And by some of the masters.



Thanks for your reply. I am interested in a historical text that would also offer short primary text readings, the course is designed to be a survey, I should have specified that, sorry! In the past I have used this type of text but now the soft back version is over $80. Actually, I just found an Anthology of Catholic Philosophy and may incorporate some of those readings into the class, though I can't ask them to purchase that with the text I plan to use.

I know Pieper and Boethius would be difficult for them to understand, the hardest thing is to get them to read at all. Again, much thanks for the reply!

Rich Leonardi


Kreeft's own Philosophy 101 by Socrates could serve as a fine introduction.


Just a few follow-up questions:

1) Any idea when the single-volume Ignatius Study Bible New Testament will be out? Is the concordance separate, or a part of it? Will everything that is in the separate volumes be included (for example, the study questions)? Will there be any new or expanded material in the single volume?

2) Will there be an Old Testament? If so, when could we expect to see the first volumes of that out?

3) Will there eventually be a complete, one volume Ignatius Study Bible with New AND Old Testaments? Is there a timeline for that?

4) Any chance of some kind of a study series by Scott Hahn and Curtis Mitch to the Early Church Fathers? Something like that with similar features to the Ignatius Study Bible, designed to match, could be really useful for apologetics or evangelization! (For example, you could put out a volume containing the Didache, Epistle of Barnabas, and the Shepherd of Hermas, with essays on why they weren't included in the Biblical canon, what it tells us about the early Church, maps, historical information, and so on...)

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