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Tuesday, July 08, 2008



I was an unplanned pregnancy in 1980, with a pro-choice poor liberal father and a pro-choice liberal lapsed Catholic mother who were using contraception. Only by the grace of God am I here today. But I guess Mr. Morgentaler thinks I would be better off dead. I beg to differ.


Canada, through this symbolic act, has officially endorsed the Culture of Death.
There are those who would try to lay the blame off on the Governor General or the committee of the order of Canada. The politicos around the Prime Minister would like to wash their hands of this, but to believe them is to miss the political reality of Canada.

There are no real checks and balances left in the power structure. The Senate is a group of political hacks rewarded by appointment for loyal party service. They endorse everything that comes their way. Rubber stamp is the word. Ditto for the Governor General, "officially" appointed by the Queen of England, but chosen by the Prime Minister's office. The constitution of Pierre Elliot Trudeau is as malleable as putty in the hands of the judiciary, also political appointees. Anything and everything is possible in Canada, unless you are a Christian who speaks out against the culture of death. The only power is the Prime Minister and he could have stopped this abomination with Morgentaler had he chosen to do so.

This is the legacy of a broken down British Empire, stumbling forward at the mercy of activist opportunists. There is no moral base, but rather a country run by "community standards". As Mark Brumley mentioned in another post, G.K Chesterton pointed out that America is a democracy based on a creed. Despite the internal attacks on the U.S. Constitution, there is still a moral center over which the battle rages.

Canada, on the other hand, is adrift. She has cut her anchors loose. It is only a matter of time before she crashes against the rocks.


Thank you for an excellent essay.
As a Canadian, I am sick at heart over this. Not only do our tax dollars pay for something many of us are opposed to, but now our country holds up this father of abortion here as worthy of honour. For anyone who is pro-life,it's an additional slap in the face.
To be a believing Catholic in this country is very counter-cultural.

Ed Peters

In the twisted logic of sin, M, I suggest, unconsciously thinks that the more babies he kills, the less bad it could be. You know, kill one person, that act represents 100% of one's guilt. Kill two, each murder is only 50% of one's guilt. Kill 100, any individual is only 1% of one's guilt. Twisted, I know, but think I've sen this kind of thinking elsewhere.


"When you kill one, it's a tragedy. When you kill ten million, it's a statistic." Commonly attributed to Joseph Stalin.


What did Dr.Morgenkiller do on Mothers Day 1973? Well, he performed a live abortion on TV! This psychopath is obsessed with aborting babies and rubbing it in your face.

Canada has sunk to a new low via extreme liberalism.

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