From The Daily Telegraph, this bit of Unidentified Flying News:
A GROUP of glamour lesbians who believe the world was created by an alien civilisation 25,000 years ago have criticised the Catholic Church for being out of touch.
I suspect that many people are "out of touch" with glamour lesbians who believe in Rael, a Frenchman (Claude Maurice Marcel Vorilhon) who claims that he was contacted in 1973 by the extraterrestrials who created humans and who soon set about telling the world about the truth of mankind's "designers." Considering the movement claims to have between 60,000-80,000 adherents, I like my odds.
The representatives of the Gay Raelian society yesterday staged a demonstration outside Parliament House to protest the Pope's arrival for World Youth Day next week.
Raelian spokeswoman Eden Bates said it was an insult that the Pope would be welcomed into Australia when "our gorgeous, fantastic spiritual leader Rael wasn't even given the respect of a visa".
"I'm not Catholic, I'm Raelian and I'd like to see police escorts for our beautiful profit when he comes to Australia," she said.
Profit? Must be the reporter's error. Anyhow, you might recall that a few years ago Rael said he and his company, CLONAID, had figured out how to clone humans. A 2001 article about that story described a movement that makes "weird" look ordinary:
Rael himself is a former journalist who once edited a sports car journal called Auto Pop. Claiming to have founded "the world’s only atheistic religion," he pokes fun at the Pope, and deplores sexism and racism. His followers—50,000 strong and growing, in 84 countries around the world—share many of the assumptions and opinions of secular humanists, feminists, gay activists, and swinging singles. They virtually bristle with tolerance when they approach the media. "Respectez les differences!" is a major Raelian tenet.
"The Raelians are great material," a journalist once told me at the end of an interview. "They worship space aliens, they're sexy, good-looking nudists—and now they might even clone a human!"
An article in the June 24, 2008, edition of the Sydney Morning Herald reported:
Other groups in the NoToPope Coalition are the Socialist Alliance, Resistance, Atheists Sydney and the Raelians, a religious sect that has claimed to have cloned the world's first human being.
Raelian members Eden Bates and Gerry Texeira said it was unfair that their leader, Claude Vorilhon, known as Rael, was denied a visa upon application while the Pope was being feted by Australian governments.
"In the Raelian movement we are very, very clear that all humanity has been designed and part of that design is to have diversity," Ms Bates said.
One wonders (among other things) how it is that a superior race of extraterrestrials would create a race of beings who have historically, across nearly every culture and religion, believed that homosexual acts and sexual promiscuity are either to be avoided or simply sinful? Those silly aliens! Hopefully we'll learn the answer to that question and many others when this movie comes out in a couple of weeks.
Hilarious! Thanks for posting that!
Posted by: Paul H | Wednesday, July 09, 2008 at 01:48 PM
Note the use of the word "profit" (as opposed to "prophet") in the article.
Posted by: Charles E Flynn | Wednesday, July 09, 2008 at 04:35 PM
"Clonehead"? :)
Posted by: joanne | Wednesday, July 09, 2008 at 07:07 PM
"They virtually bristle with tolerance..."
Is that like being on the cutting edge of irrelevance?
Posted by: LJ | Thursday, July 10, 2008 at 03:46 AM
One wonders (among other things) how it is that a superior race of extraterrestrials would create a race of beings who have historically, across nearly every culture and religion, believed that homosexual acts and sexual promiscuity are either to be avoided or simply sinful? Those silly aliens!
Well said! What ever happened to the days of the Borg, Klingons and Romulans? At least those aliens had some personality! Lesbian Raels, how boring! Makes me want to don my Vulcan ears and pine for one more "beam me up, Scotty!" :)
Posted by: Rick | Thursday, July 10, 2008 at 07:09 AM
Perhaps they can't face raelity.
Posted by: padraighh | Thursday, July 10, 2008 at 07:23 AM
Is the dude in the photo an honorary glamour lesbian?
Posted by: Tom | Thursday, July 10, 2008 at 07:53 AM
LOL? That's about all I can say about this. Satan has a flair for the dramatic, I'll give him that.
Srsly though, the Catholic Church used their powers to create the Raelians just to make atheists and secular humanists look bad, right? ... Right?
Posted by: Telemachus | Thursday, July 10, 2008 at 12:48 PM
Trust no one.
Posted by: J.B. Mulder | Friday, July 11, 2008 at 11:36 AM
Glamour lesbians? Diamond studded power tools?
Posted by: Salome | Sunday, July 13, 2008 at 02:35 PM