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Saturday, April 12, 2008



I hope Benedict doesn't have to converse with one Kennedy when he is here.

Tim Shriver, huh? Kennedy seeds of stupidity keep falling rather close to the family tree, don't they! Last I heard, Tim and Uncle Ted liked to don some spandex and sweat to the oldies with Richard Simmons! Why the new yoga fetish when they have that going for them? :-)

Mark Brumley

Thanks for this post, Carl.

I have already used Ignatius Press' super secret hotline to the Holy Father to alert him to his need for the yoga session. Our publicity will handle the media. I think Cardinal Bertone will probably accompany the Holy Father. Msgr. Gaenswein will probably be playing tennis with IP's marketing director, Tony Ryan, so don't count on any media coverage of him.

After the yoga session, the Holy Father will join me in some Kung Fu practice.

But of course don't tell anyone ...


Sorry for the sarcasm above about the Kennedy's, bad enough that many of them are openly pro-choice but I just can't believe that someone from such a prominent family could say something so ridiculous!

Augustine II

Not surprising. The Kennedys stopped being serious long ago.

Carl Olson

Mark: I presume that you and the Holy Father will be exploring some sword sets from the Seven Star Praying Mantis system.


As a wise philosophy professor at Boston College said to us one day:

"There are lots of Kennedy Catholics. There just aren't a lot of Catholic Kennedys."

Brian Day

You should create categories to label the posts. One of them should be Mark Shea's category of: The Ever-Falling Religious IQ of the Media

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