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Friday, April 25, 2008


Wolf Paul

Hello Carl,

in view of a discussion over at Mark Shea's blog I cannot help but wonder how many of the authors in your reading list in this post are ex-Evangelical (or other Protestant) converts?

And as for Verhoeven, I think the important thing to keep in mind is that he is a DUTCH Catholic ... pardon the stereotype.


About Verhoeven's thesis regarding Mary and the Virgin Birth, I think it can be traced to the Babylonian Talmud circa the late 2nd century A.D., with heresy there really isn't anything new under the sun!

Carl Olson

Wolf Paul: Three, if I'm not mistaken.


2 Hallucinations 6:66

You are too funny, Carl.


Speaking of Mr. Shea, his book "Making Senses of Scripture" is the best book I've ever read about the Bible.

Augustine II

Free guide to reading the Bible & Catechism in a year:

John Brown SJ

Funk should be careful! I know some Muslims who are pretty serious about defending Mary's virginity before giving birth to Jesus...

John Brown SJ

oops! I meant Verhoeven, not Funk. Well, him too.


"And--surprise, surprise!—we are informed that Verhoeven is a Catholic."

I'm tempted to repeat the old adage, "With friends like that...", but then, how many Catholics are there world-wide, a billion or so? I guess it is not surprising there might be a heretic or two. The real question is how do so many manage to get into the media business?

G.E.I. Nora

I would not be surprised if Mr. Verhoeven has also "discovered" that the Roman soldier's name was "Panther." If so, this is an old libel, first documented in the Talmud several hundred years after the Gospel of Luke, and quoting geneologies that would have been destroyed even earlier, if they ever had existed. The claim was that Jesus was known as "Ben Pantherus," a Hebrew-Latin solecism meaning son-of-panther, and deliberately distorting the established title in Luke's Gospel, "son of a virgin [parthenous]."

Treating the later "Panther" claims as equally valid accounts about Jesus is as silly as would be some future "historian" using Joseph
Smith's Book of Mormon to understand the theologically "self evident truths" in Thomas Jefferson's Declaration of Independence. Unfortunately, the vast difference in time causes a pscyhological distortion that makes it easy to treat a third or fourth century Gospel of Thomas or Talmud as contemporaneous with the New Testament.

Frightening to think how future "scholars" might simlarly conflate Francis of Assissi and Martin Luther, or Vatican II with the loss of the Papal States.

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