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Thursday, January 03, 2008



Lawyer that I am, I'd recommend to Greeley that he study Hamburger's excellent book, Separation of Church and State. It thoroughly demolishes the "wall of separation" myth.


The trouble is what is exactly is considered "caution, discretion, and nuance." They are fine virtues of prudence. Somehow they became code words for the selling of one's soul for political gain.

Fr. J.

Self righteousness among the clergy or Catholics in general is not limited to those who disagree with Fr. Greeley.

Aside from such nonsense, Fr. Greeley's first three paragraphs were right on (with the exception that the Catholic Church does also exclude Mormons from the term Christian as we do not recognize their formula of baptism).


"Having lived for seven disastrous years with a president who assumes that he has immediate access to the deity"
Will the Bush bashing ever end?


I don't mind when an Anglican calls the Catholic Church "the Roman Catholic Church" but it is a mild irriation when a Catholic does it. The irritation is from the ignorance that it reflects. To distinguish the Catholic Church as being "Roman" is to adopt a Protestant point of view. Yet it is not uncommon to see a Catholic church refer to itself in signs and on websites as a "Roman Catholic Church."

Robert Miller

I have been through several "phases" with the term "Roman Catholic".

Growing up Catholic in the 1950s, I never heard the term. A little later, I learned that it was, in Protestants' minds, a more polite form of "Roman Church" or "Popish Church". But that didn't bother me because, like most pre-Vatican II Catholics in my neck of the woods, I was (still am) a fervent ultramontanist.

In the late 1960s -- and until very recently -- I fully embraced "Roman Catholic" both as a description of my faith and of me. Why? Because, post-Vatican II, I came to believe it was (still believe it is) crucial to distinguish the Church from the "American Catholic Church" -- and oneself from "American Catholics".

In the last 5 years or so, I've dropped the "Roman" (but emphatically have not adopted the "American"). Pope Benedict and the CDF have restated most clearly that the Catholic Church is the Roman Church and the Roman Church is the Catholic Church. That's good enough for me: plain old unhyphenated "Catholic".


It seems as if Fr. Greely wants a candidate to exercise caution in stating his beliefs but Fr. Greely has no problem stating his version of "American" Catholicism which often tends to favor the rights of the state over the Church.


It seems as if Fr. Greely wants a candidate to exercise caution in stating his beliefs but Fr. Greely has no problem stating his version of "American" Catholicism which often tends to favor the rights of the state over the Church.

Brian Schuettler

I suspect that Father Greeley is conflicted between the vows he took as a priest of Jesus Christ and as a secular personality. At some point, before he dies, he will be asked to make a choice.


For what it's worth, Peter Kreeft uses the term "Roman Catholic Church" one time in his book "Fundamentals of the Faith." I would be the last to say that Mr. Kreeft is uninformed. But he is a former Protestant... might his use of the term be a lingering hangover from his former days?

Loretta Shalosky

I thought Roman Catholic referred to the Roman Rite as contrasted with Byzantine, Chaldean, Coptic, Syrian, Maronite, Armenian, and Malabar Uniat Churches. It is not offensive to me but indicates one of the many styles of worship in the one united catholic church.

Manuel Daugherty Razetto

Amused as I was with all comments about F.Greely, one has to admit he is always an interesting priest.RJ is right on target about our dear leftist father who got rich with his peculiar books.
Our Church is and always will be Roman, despite it all.BXVI is, as always, right.

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