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Thursday, January 24, 2008


Ed Peters

What a stupid stunt! He couldn't lay low for awhile and hope it would fade? Now, it starts.

Brian Schuettler

Miranda to Majerus:
You have the right to remain silent.

Anyone interested in a open coaching position at SLU?


If only his team was as invicable as his ignorance.

In fact he is invincably ignorant of the fact
that he is invincably ignorant of the ...
well you get the idea.


Hmm. Coach is also an opponent of capital punishment. For convicted criminals, that is.



P.S. For the record, I am not pro-capital punishment. I don't know anyone who is pro-capital punishment. However, I strongly believe in a judge's right to choose.

Carl Olson

P.S. For the record, I am not pro-capital punishment. I don't know anyone who is pro-capital punishment. However, I strongly believe in a judge's right to choose.

But only if the judge is a woman! ;-)

Stephen Sparrow

"I think religion should be inclusive. I would hope that all people would feel welcome inside a church"

Yes Rick and especially the unborn.

"And my First Amendment right to free speech supersedes anything that the archbishop would order me to do. ..."

Yes Rick (AGAIN) and the good Archbishop in the process of proclaiming Catholic Doctrine also just happens to be defending the First Amendment rights of the unborn.


I like this Jewel

"I do not speak for the university or the Catholic Church. These are my personal views. And I'm not letting him change my mind. I think religion should be inclusive. I would hope that all people would feel welcome inside a church, and that the church would serve to bring people together, even if they happen to disagree on certain things."

The cult of inclusion digresses into the dictatorship of relativism.

Its not the Coach being a open apostate. Its the church not welcoming people & bringing them together.

And then...

"even if they happen to disagree on certain things."

That’s right "certain things" like your favorite desert, or what color shirt your have on....

Ed Peters

I'm going to blog on this one. EdP, SLU 1979.

Cristina A. Montes

"Miranda to Majerus:
You have the right to remain silent."

Reminds me of the line in Shrek 2: "You have the right to remain silent. What you do not have is the capacity."



You're clearly not a nerdy college basketball fan like myself; his name is Majerus, not Marjerus.


Carl Olson

You're clearly not a nerdy college basketball fan like myself; his name is Majerus, not Marjerus.

Yes, I keep misspelling his name. Augh. Sorry about that. And, yes, I actually tend to prefer the NBA to college b-ball. Heretical, I know, but there it is.

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