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Monday, December 24, 2007



So journalists are as dumb in the Philippines as they are here?

I'm in shock.


Great first sentence, Carl. "...a contentious relationship with facts, logic, and commonsense." I love it.

So much nonsense, so little time....

Cristina A. Montes

"But, still, I wish him a Merry Christmas and hope that someone will buy him a book or three from this page."

I can easily get a copy of "Spe Salvi" locally for 40 Philippine pesos (less than a dollar, according to the recent exchange rate) and mail it to him. I'll do it. :)

Carl Olson

Thanks, Cristina. Merry Christmas!


Merry Christmas to you too, Carl!

Tony M.

Just one more example of how "devout Catholic" has become a meaningless term. Too often what this means is that someone identifies himself as Catholic even though his view of the religion is entirely formed by the biases and half-truths of the secular world.

Tony M.

Just one more example of how "devout Catholic" has become a meaningless term. Too often what this means is that someone identifies himself as Catholic even though his view of the religion is entirely formed by the biases and half-truths of the secular world.

Tony Mozzarella

Just one more example of how "devout Catholic" has become a meaningless term. Too often what this means is that someone identifies himself as Catholic even though his view of the religion is entirely formed by the biases and half-truths of the secular world.

Tony Mozzarella

Just one more example of how "devout Catholic" has become a meaningless term. Too often what this means is that someone identifies himself as Catholic even though his view of the religion is entirely formed by the biases and half-truths of the secular world.


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