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Thursday, October 25, 2007


Dale Price

Ah, but Carl: these guys prefer the martyrdom of titillated bored Eurotrash applause. As opposed to the blown-to-hell-in-bloody-gobbets variety.

No dummies, indeed. They remember who blew up the trains on March 11--and it sure wasn't Opus Dei.


Too bad its not the days of Ignatius Loyola, he was ready to stab a Moor for insulting the Virgin Mary! I remember seeing a Protestant say something blasphemous to a Divine Word priest, the priest raised his fist and asked the gentleman to leave before he gave him a 5-fold anointing, each knuckle representing one of the 5-fold! Ah, the good ol' days.

All kidding aside, I will say a special prayer tonight for the group of atheists.


St. Ignatius of Loyola, pray for your country. Though I know you already have your work cut out for you in other categories...


They see Jesus as their enemy, not Mohammed. That, in itself, is instructive. But I am sure that Jesus is not surprised at all. In fact, looking at a crucifix, I know it.


Does this not remind one of the man possesed by 'Legion'
(Mk 5:9 ff.)

Though the devils are 'atheistic' yet they recognize Jesus and in particular his power.
Fear of Him makes them notice Him acknowledge Him whom they can not acknowledge to themselves.
There is something of the adoration of Satan in this frenetic dance on sacred graves.
Something that harkens back to the old secret pagan rituals. Ans so they have come full circle. Claiming to be atheists but practicing paganism.

Dale Price

Oh, they know Muhammad's their enemy too. They're not *that* stupid.

But they also know--in their marrow--how dangerous it is to even criticize Islam's founder, let alone portray him in an orgy.

Which is why this stuff doesn't upset me like it used to: it's going-through-the-motions/paint-by-numbers. It's intellectually void and phony. And they know it. Which is why, dislike him as often as I do, I have more respect for Christopher Hitchens. At least he's consistent and vocal in his disgust with all forms of theism.

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