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Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Mark Brumley

Yes, but ...

Remember when Tom Howard converted in the 1980s? Big news. Of course there was no internet, so we had to rely on what print media there was--CT did a big story on it--and word-of-mouth. I think on balance the reaction to Dr. Beckwith's reversion has been more sympathetic than the reaction to Howard's conversion. Maybe that is illusory because the general observer had much more limited access to Evangelical opinion at the time whereas the internet gives us access to a wider selection of Evangelical opinion. In any event, I am struck not by the hostility, which I completely expected, but by the number of people who, while not agreeing with the move, nevertheless support Beckwith in his making it.

On the other hand, the reaction against him is interesting, too. I hope to have time to post some reflections on the subordination of the Reformation in Evangelicalism to a new reading of Scripture and a recovery of the early Church Fathers, and the efforts of some Evangelicals to counter these trends by elevating the Reformers to a kind of latter-day Church Fathers status. Of course this is the "traditional" Protestant stance trying to reassert itself in the face of a growing desire for unity among Catholics and Evangelicals, and an increase of Evangelical appropriation of Catholic elements from early Christianity: an Oxford Movement II, only this movement is on a much larger scale.

In my view, this analysis goes a long way toward explaining why some people insist on approaching Catholic teaching in only the most polemical of terms. They're reacting against a growing trend in the opposite direction.

My conclusion: we all need to read, think about, and pray about the stance taken by Louis Bouyer. Not all Evangelicals will be convinced by him as I was but if they are fair and they read him with an open mind and open heart, they will have a better idea of why affirming the positive principles of the Reformation isn't incompatible per se with Catholicism.



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