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Wednesday, March 29, 2006



At the same time, if their testimony is "JPII helped me get to know Shiva better," then I think we can skip getting it in triplicate (and let's just take a step back from accomodating ourselves into a world religion, instead of the universal faith).

It's interesting, not to invest too much in a short article, that the only miracles reported by non-Catholic are by an Anglican and an Orthodox, which makes a whole lot of sense.

Cristina A. Montes

Another consideration: a testimony by a non-believer to a miracle might be even more credible, because he would have no motive to pretend that a miracle actually happened. If a person whom I know does not believe in miracles suddenly insists sincerely that he thinks one has happened, I would be inclined to believe that a miracle actually happened. Of course, this is assuming that the non-believer in question is not dishonest nor gullible.


Very generally speaking, people who are not Catholic {and I was not long ago} love JPII and want to see him sainted while, ironically?, many Catholics opposed him even as they now oppose our present pope on essentials of the faith and, especially those pertaining to matters of upholding a culture of life. We are a selfish and relativistic lot we humans who are most passionate about the merits of being highly subjective as is most convenient.

That said, I have no difficulty believing that the Blessed and Saints of God would dispense miracles and grace to non-Catholics because God certainly does.

Ed Peters

You know, O (forgive the familiarity), but I really don't think there are many Catholics actually opposed to JP2's canonization--the ones who are, are disproportioantely voiciferous, I grant, but most RCs would be at least mildly in favor of it. Of course, they see no inconsistency between that stance, and ignoring what JP2 taught on many things, but that's a different question.


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